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Customer Testimonials

Amazing Quality

I recently purchased a modded ART Pro VLA II with Carnhill output transformers, a fully modded DBX 166 and had an Alesis 3630 modified all by Revive Audio. Amazing difference in quality! Night and day. The ART Pro VLA II sounds so much fuller, it's much more responsive and the stereo image sounds drastically much more "open" compared to the stock version. It lives on my stereo buss now. The DBX 166 sounds incredible with Revive's upgrades/mods. It works great on the drum buss and even for rock vocals and electric guitar. The Alesis 3630 that they modded, sounds incredibly different (in a good way!) and I've been using it on many different things now. These guys do GREAT work! I will definitely be sending them more gear to work their magic on in the future!

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Brandon L. Fernandina Beach 10:54:12 12-21-2017
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